Featuring two highly evolved channels, capable of clean tones that shimmer like icicles in the deep of winter moonlight and tube saturation that is so rich and powerful it should be illegal in the free world. Foot-switchable boost function for both channels, variable for channel 2.
EL34 models are 80 watts and have a nice throaty growl with aggressive English-style midrange to punch thru the mix. 6L6 models are 60 watts and have a touch more lowend/highend extension that's more American-style. The sweet/rich sounding Reverb option offers individual level controls for each channel, don't need reverb on the clean channel but need a bit on the high-gain channel, no problem dial in just the right level needed. The Shiva also has a Tube-buffered series FX-Loop. 1x12 Combo features a newly designed and revolutionary ported speaker enclosure that sounds very full, almost like a 4x12 cabinet. There is more than enough bass response to rearrange your living room furniture, if needed.
The Shiva is a masterful study of refined elegance, providing the synergy of one's heart and hands.
* Available as Head, 1x12 closed-ported combo, 2x10 closed-ported combo, 2x12 open back combo, * Footswitchable 2 Channel All-Tube Design * Footswitchable Boost, variable on Ch.2 * Tube-buffered series FX-Loop * Ch. 1: Bass, Treble & Volume controls, Bright Switch Ch. 2: Bass, Middle, Treble, Gain & Volume controls, Bright Switch * Global Master Volume and Presence control * Functions on footswitch: channel switch, boost, reverb (reverb models only) * 80 watt EL34 or 60 watt 6L6 Power Amp Section
* Reverb with independent reverb level controls for each channel

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