Keeping in the tradition and the voicing of its big brother, the FTR 37, the 10/20 offers a few exclusive features making it ideal for smaller gigging and recording situations. The 10/20 offers 20 Watts in the Class AB1/A mode, and 10 Watts in the Hard Class A mode for more of your 50's style Tweed tones. Both channels found in the FTR 37 are made available via the two input jacks in the 10/20. There is an additional flattening/ dampening switch offered for optional control at all levels, as well as a push/pull mid/gain boost. The 10/20 is a true winner and a very versatile amp in the 10 to 20 watt category.
* 20 Watt, Class AB1/A * 10 Watt, Class A, Cathode Biased * Power Section - (2)6V6 GT * Tube rectified * Voicing and gain structure offered via input jacks * Reverb * Push/Pull Mid/Gain boost * Dampening/Flattening switch
Black, Cream, Forest Green, Purple, Plum, Red, Gold, Silver, Royal Blue, Orange, Navy Blue


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