1957 Les Paul Custom 2-Pickup V.O.S. |
Cena katalogowa: 15618,00 zł 14695,00 zł Oszczędzasz: 923,00 zł
Instrument dostępny w kolorze Ebony.
The Les Paul Custom VOS re-creates the Les Paul Custom as it was at a pivotal moment in its history-the year when the PAF humbuckers became standard issue. These remarkable new pickups gave the Les Paul a thicker sound that was at the time especially unique. Like all VOS (Vintage Original Spec) Series instruments, the 1957 Les Paul Custom VOS is handcrafted for comfort and playability in the Gibson Custom Shop. The construction, neck profile, hardware, and electronics are period accurate, and a special nitrocellulose finish treatment gives it the patina of a gently aged vintage guitar. Includes Gibson Custom Shop case, a certificate of authenticity, and custom care kit.
Gibson Custom 1957 Les Paul Custom 2-Pickup VOS Electric Guitar Features:
* Carved mahogany top * Solid, non-weight relieved mahogany back * Multi-ply white/black binding on top and back * Ebony finish * Gold hardware * ABR-1 bridge and stopbar tailpiece * 1-piece mahogany neck with long tenon * 22-fret rosewood finger board * Pearl block inlays * Single-ply white binding * Early '50s rounded neck profile * 24-3/4" scale * 1-11/16 nut width * Holly headstock veneer * Vintage tulip tuners * BurstBucker pickups s * CTS pots and bumble bee capacitors * 2 volume, 2 tone, 3-way selector
Gibson Custom 1957 Les Paul Custom 2-Pickup VOS Electric Guitar Includes:

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