RMC3 - This model CAN reproduce the sounds of all the other RMC models, but the controls are on the circuit board so they can't be hit during performance. The RMC3 is not designed to be tuned on-the-fly. The RMC3 works with most any pickup and any amp configuration.
First created in 1994, the Real McCoy Custom 3 (RMC3) is the world's first (and only) fully tunable self-contained wah. Vari-Tune circuit controls include:
LOW-Controls the amount of low frequencies present in the wah's sweep.
MID-Controls the mid-range depth of the sweep. This control affects the vocal-like quality of the wah, as the human voice falls mostly into this range.
Q-Controls the position of the sweet spot within the sweep range.
VOLUME-Allows you to adjust the output strength of the wah.
SWEEP-This bank of 9 DIP switches allows you to select your desired sweep within a 9 octave range. The switches may be used in any combination to create familiar wah sweeps as well as some never before available. The voicing parameters go from higher than the old SCHALLER Bow-wow/Yoy-yoy pedal to deeper than any bass wah.
FINE TUNE-These 2 trimmers work in conjunction with the SWEEP DIP switches to allow you access to values "in-between" switch settings. The effect of these trimmers is slight and might not be audible to every player. For those that can hear the difference, they are available.
Just like all RMC wahs, the RMC3 is designed and built by Geoffrey Teese and includes licensed fuzz-friendly technology (as of October 2006), true-bypass, exclusive RMC ROC-POT5 extra long-life sealed potentiometer (as of 2008), easily adjustable rocker tension (as of October 2006), and AC adapter jack, and is covered by our limited one year warranty.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Model number: RMC3 Current draw: <10 mA If an AC adapter is used, the adapter requires a 5.5/2.1mm coax plug with a negative center post, 9VDC AC regulated Class II, 20mA to 200mA max current output.
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